- The Association shall be called North Midlands Cross Country League and the object of the Association shall be the promotion of cross country running.
- Membership of the League shall be open to all athletic clubs in the counties of Cambridge, Derby, Leicester, Lincoln, Northampton, Nottingham, Rutland and to adjacent counties subject to the approval of the committee.
- The officers of the League shall consist of a President, President Elect, Hon.Secretary, Hon.treasurer, Welfare Officer, Presentation Officer and Officials Secretary who shall be elected at the A.G.M.
- The management committee of the League shall consist of the officers, league officials and two delegates from each club. All clubs to provide one email contact to the Secretary.
- The Annual General Meeting shall be held after the first race of the season, each club being allowed two delegates at such meetings.
- League fees shall be decided at the AGM and shall become due by the first race of the season. Entry forms will be sent to clubs by 31st August in year of competition and must be returned a.s.a.p.. Athletes' details must be returned via email prior to the start of season on the issued EXCEL form and must include full name, d.o.b.,and URN. Additional athletes can be added during the season.
- Race venues shall be allocated at the AGM for the following season, a vote taking place if required, allowing arrangements to be made in good time, any changes to be communicated to all clubs as soon as possible.
- Team envelopes must be collected by team managers before the races. After each race the team manager must collect the team discs, write clearly the runners' names on the envelope, and the age group where appropriate, return envelope and discs to the results team WITHOUT DELAY.
- Team Scoring. Teams to consist of five competitors in the senior men's race and three in all other races. If a team is one athlete short of completing a team, the results team will add last position plus one to ensure a team total is recorded.
- Athletes must be first claim members of associated clubs. NO SECOND CLAIM runners will be allowed. Guest runners may be allowed to compete at the referee's discretion. Registered club colours must be worn at all races.
- No headsets earbuds can be worn during races.
- A Individual titles. Shall be the lowest aggregate score after competing in ALL races. In the case of a tie the runner who finished higher most often shall be the winner, i.e. Runner A: 1,3,4,1=9; Runner B: 2,1,3,3=9; runner A is the winner as has two first places. If there is still a tie then the lowest aggregate times will decide the winner. The overall League Champion for both male and female shall be decided irrespective of age.
B Team titles. The winning team in each age group will be the team with the lowest aggregate score, but must have competed at all races. Team awards will be given to the first-place team in the following age groups: U11, U13, U15, U17, Seniors, Masters both male and female. No separate U20 team titles, U20 will count as seniors in the team event - Awards
A - Individual awards will be given to 1st,2nd,3rd in the following age groups: U11, U13, U15, U17, U20, Seniors both male and female.
- Masters awards will be first place in the following: 40-44, 45-49, 50-54, 55-59, 60-64, 65+ both male and female.
One master's award only per athlete and only in their own age group.
Masters age groups shall be determined at the date of the first race in the season . However, they may count in a masters' team if their age changes from senior to master after the first race.
B - Perpetual League Trophies. Winning athletes and teams will be presented with League Trophies which they may keep for the next twelve months. Trophies to be returned clean and in good condition. Athletes taking a trophy will be required to sign for the trophy.
C - In addition, "replica" trophies will be presented to be kept by the athletes with any additional awards supplies by the sponsors.
D - Monetary awards may be given at the League's discretion. - The race programme will be agreed at the AGM. The current programme is displayed on the home page. Times may be amended by the host club if necessary, but this will be publicised prior to the event.